Nutrition Tool

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The Nutrition Tool is a web tool that allows you to do many custom things with the USDA standard reference food database:
You can find the tool here:
Use the sidebar at the left to get more of a guided tutorial for using the tool, or to look up specific sections.

Features of the Nutrition Tool include:

  • Getting nutritional information on a specific food in a variety of common or custom measurements

  • Ranking foods by a specific nutrient

  • Comparing the nutrient information of specific foods, including with a visually accesible graph

  • Looking at or sorting/filtering by ratios between nutrients

  • Ranking foods while other nutrient filters are present (for example looking at foods highest in vitamin C which also contain more than 30g of protein)

  • Some custom-designed fields not available in other databases, for example "Net carbs" or a "Micronutrient Score" that aggregates daily values together.

  • Setting custom RDAs and then filtering foods that meet certain percentages of them

    This project is open-source