Nutrition Tool

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Using The Compare Tool

The Compare Tool is a good way of comparing the nutrient contents of many different foods, including some visually useful RDI comparison graphs.

To start the process, find a food (in my example I searched for "raw spinach"), open the Nutrition Information for it by clicking its entry in the results, and then click "Compare Food":

This will then add it to a new "Compare" menu, bring you back to the results and results will start to have a "Compare" button next to them.

You can then make new searches, for example I did another search for "watercress"

I can then click the "Compare" button here to add it to the list.

To get rid of a food in the "Compare" menu, click the "X" next to it. You can also click "Remove all" to remove all of them and take the tool out of "Compare Mode".

As soon as the Compare list gets 2 or more foods, you'll get a "Compare Foods" button:

Clicking that will lead you to the Compare Chart.