Nutrition Tool

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Finding a Specific Food

To find a specific food, expand the "Search" menu item, type the food you're looking for in the "search" area, and click submit:

If you want to narrow your choices down, you can separate multiple keywords with spaces.. so for example "raw celery" will return only the entry "Celery, raw".

If you have a large set of results, you might want to filter out keywords to help narrow things down. For example if you want to find "cheese" that doesn't also have the word "american" in it, you can use the filter box:

You can also have multiple filter items.. for example having "american parmesan" in the filter box would keep both american cheese and parmesan cheese from showing in the results.

Searching Tip

If you can't find something you're looking for, try switching between singular and plural forms -- for example, instead of searching for "sunflower seeds" you could search for "sunflower seed". Or instead of searching for "blueberry" you could search for "blueberries".